This department aims in providing a professional worker in the field of Civil Engineering who is able to carry out the construction of Civil engineering projects.

There are four study program in this department:

a. D3 Civil Engineering Study Program (Accreditation A)

It has two contrentration:

  1. Civil Construction

It  focuses on  structural planning, implementation and building supervision issues.  In addition,  the students learn about  construction, equipment, maintenance and repairing  of non-building constraction  such as roads, bridges, etc.

2. Building Construction

It focuses on  all matters related  to planning, construction, and equipment of  the , buildings

Here are some supporting facilities :

– Materials Laboratory

– Hydraulics Laboratory

– Soil Mechanics Laboratory

– Structure Laboratory

– Soil Surveying Laboratory

– Computer Laboratory

–  Wood Workshop

– Steel Workshop

– Plumbing Workshop

– Concrete Workshop

– Scaffolding Workshop

– Drainage Workshop

– Stone Workshop

b. D4 (Four years associate degree)  Irrigation and Swamp Planning Engineering Study Program (Accreditation B)

It is an advanced program for Diploma III graduates from Civil Engineering and Relevant D.III study programs. This study program produces graduates who are skillfull and reliable in the planning and  the implementation of  of irrigation and swamp structures

The supporting facilities :

– Materials Laboratoryy

– Hydraulics Laboratory

– Soil Mechanics Laboratory

– Structure Laboratory

– Soil Surveying Laboratory

– Computer Laboratory

– Proper Workshop

– Scaffolding Workshop

– Rainange Workshop

c. Construction Engineering Management D4 Study Program (B Accreditation)

This study program produce professionals in the managerial field, especially in construction projects and are able to arrange  the stages of construction realization projects, starting from the stage of drafting ideas, feasibility studies, planning/designing,  up to the implementation stage (including supervision of implementation) and the use of a construction project. In addition, the students are trained to be a  professional construction management engineering who are able to identify, analyze, supervise, and control the risks of decisions making on construction projects , and  are able to carry out supervision and provide Quality Assurance on the quality of a construction project.

The Supporting facilities :

– Materials Laboratoryy

– Hydraulics Laboratory

– Soil Mechanics Laboratory

– Structure Laboratory

– Soil Surveying Laboratory

– Computer Laboratory

– Proper Appropriate Workshop

– Concrete Workshop

– Drainage Workshop

– Stone Workshop

d. D4 Road and Bridge Design Engeenering  Study Program (Accreditation B)

This study program emphasis on preparing  a professional  in designing the Road and Bridge. Hence the garduates  are able to plan and calculate the budget for projects on a large scale as well as analyze and select good materials for road and bridge  constraction in accordance with the demands client. As well as creating a research atmosphere related to case studies in the field of failure and damage to road and bridge construction.

The Supporting facilities :

– Materials Laboratory

– Hydraulics Laboratory

– Soil Mechanics Laboratory

– Structure Laboratory

– Soil Surveying Laboratory

– Computer Laboratory

– Proper Appropriate Workshop

– Concrete Workshop

– Drainage Workshop

– Stone Workshop